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Big Bang

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New Maps of the Bizarre, Chaotic Space-Time Inside Black Holes

February 24, 2025

Physicists hope that understanding the churning region near singularities might help them reconcile gravity and quantum mechanics.

Mathematicians Attempt to Glimpse Past the Big Bang

May 31, 2024

By studying the geometry of model space-times, researchers offer alternative views of the universe’s first moments.

Hopes of Big Bang Discoveries Ride on a Future Spacecraft

April 17, 2024

Physicists and cosmologists will have a new probe of primordial processes when Europe launches the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) next decade.

How Will the Universe End?

February 22, 2023

Big Freeze, Big Rip, Big Crunch, Bounce or vacuum decay? Steven Strogatz speaks with theoretical cosmologist Katie Mack about the five ways that scientists think the universe could come to an end.

Asymmetry Detected in the Distribution of Galaxies

December 5, 2022

Two new studies suggest that certain tetrahedral arrangements of galaxies outnumber their mirror images, potentially reflecting details of the universe’s birth. But confirmation is needed.

What Is Quantum Field Theory and Why Is It Incomplete?

August 10, 2022

Quantum field theory may be the most successful scientific theory of all time, but there’s reason to think it’s missing something. Steven Strogatz speaks with theoretical physicist David Tong about this enigmatic theory.

The Webb Space Telescope Will Rewrite Cosmic History. If It Works.

December 3, 2021

The James Webb Space Telescope has the potential to rewrite the history of the cosmos and reshape humanity’s position within it. But first, a lot of things have to work just right.

Laws of Logic Lead to New Restrictions on the Big Bang

November 10, 2021

Physicists are translating commonsense principles into strict mathematical constraints on how our universe must have behaved at the beginning of time.

Physicists Study How Universes Might Bubble Up and Collide

January 25, 2021

Since they can’t prod actual universes as they inflate and bump into each other in the hypothetical multiverse, physicists are studying digital and physical analogs of the process.

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