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Hints of Life’s Start Found in a Giant Virus

July 10, 2014

Newly discovered specimens support a more ancient origin for viruses, perhaps all the way back to the origins of life.

The Game Theory of Life

June 18, 2014

An insight borrowed from computer science suggests that evolution values both fitness and diversity.

Evolving With a Little Help From Our Friends

June 4, 2014

A new theory suggests that cooperation between a host and its microbes may be a significant evolutionary force.

Inside the Din, Cells Fight Noise With Noise

May 22, 2014

Is the random noise inside a cell a nuisance, or have cells evolved ways to put it to work?

In Bees, a Hunt for Roots of Social Behavior

May 6, 2014

By comparing the genomes of social and solitary bees, scientists hope to uncover the basis for communal behavior.

Early Life in Death Valley

April 24, 2014

Evidence from Southwestern deserts suggests that oxygen-breathing organisms arose on land rather than in the seas.

The Remarkable Self-Organization of Ants

April 9, 2014

Knowing the rules behind ant-made structures could help scientists understand how other complex systems emerge in nature.

A Fundamental Theory to Model the Mind

April 3, 2014

Support is growing for a decades-old physics idea suggesting that localized episodes of disordered brain activity help keep the overall system in healthy balance.

Does Competition Drive Diversity of Species?

March 10, 2014

A large new study of ovenbird lineages questions the extent to which competing species push each other to evolve.

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