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Mathematician Hurls Structure and Disorder Into Century-Old Problem

December 15, 2021

A new paper shows how to create longer disordered strings than mathematicians had thought possible, proving that a well-known recent conjecture is “spectacularly wrong.”

Mathematicians Find Structure in Biased Polynomials

November 9, 2021

New work establishes a tighter connection between the rank of a polynomial and the extent to which it favors particular outputs.

Mathematician Answers Chess Problem About Attacking Queens

September 21, 2021

The n-queens problem is about finding how many different ways queens can be placed on a chessboard so that none attack each other. A mathematician has now all but solved it.

Mathematicians Answer Old Question About Odd Graphs

May 19, 2021

A pair of mathematicians solved a legendary question about the proportion of vertices in a graph with an odd number of connections.

New Proof Reveals That Graphs With No Pentagons Are Fundamentally Different

April 26, 2021

Researchers have proved a special case of the Erdős-Hajnal conjecture, which shows what happens in graphs that exclude anything resembling a pentagon.

Mathematicians Settle Erdős Coloring Conjecture

April 5, 2021

Fifty years ago, Paul Erdős and two other mathematicians came up with a graph theory problem that they thought they might solve on the spot. A team of mathematicians has finally settled it.

Federico Ardila on Math, Music and the Space of Possibilities

March 29, 2021

The mathematician Federico Ardila takes a creative approach to the search for useful answers hiding among inconceivably huge numbers of possible ones.

Pioneers Linking Math and Computer Science Win the Abel Prize

March 17, 2021

Avi Wigderson and László Lovász won for their work developing complexity theory and graph theory, respectively, and for connecting the two fields.


The Coach Who Led the U.S. Math Team Back to the Top

February 16, 2021

Po-Shen Loh has harnessed his competitive impulses and iconoclastic tendencies to reinvigorate the U.S. Math Olympiad program.

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