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Self-Taught AI Shows Similarities to How the Brain Works

August 11, 2022

Self-supervised learning allows a neural network to figure out for itself what matters. The process might be what makes our own brains so successful.


The Computer Scientist Challenging AI to Learn Better

August 2, 2022

Christopher Kanan is building algorithms that can continuously learn over time — the way we do.

Computer Science Proof Unveils Unexpected Form of Entanglement

July 18, 2022

Three computer scientists have posted a proof of the NLTS conjecture, showing that systems of entangled particles can remain difficult to analyze even away from extremes.

Quantum Algorithms Conquer a New Kind of Problem

July 11, 2022

Computer scientists have found a new type of problem that quantum computers can solve dramatically faster than their classical counterparts.

The Scientist Who Developed a New Way to Understand Communication

July 5, 2022

Mark Braverman has spent his career translating thorny problems into the language of information complexity.

Can Computers Be Mathematicians?

June 29, 2022

Artificial intelligence has bested humans at problem-solving challenges like chess and Go. Is mathematics research next? Steven Strogatz speaks with mathematician Kevin Buzzard to learn about the effort to translate math into language that computers understand.

By Exploring Virtual Worlds, AI Learns in New Ways

June 24, 2022

Intelligent beings learn by interacting with the world. Artificial intelligence researchers have adopted a similar strategy to teach their virtual agents new tricks.


The Computer Scientist Who Parlays Failures Into Breakthroughs

June 13, 2022

Daniel Spielman solves important problems by thinking hard — about other questions.

Researchers Achieve ‘Absurdly Fast’ Algorithm for Network Flow

June 8, 2022

Computer scientists can now solve a decades-old problem in practically the time it takes to write it down.

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