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How to Make the Universe Think for Us
Physicists are building neural networks out of vibrations, voltages and lasers, arguing that the future of computing lies in exploiting the universe’s complex physical behaviors.
How Computer Scientists Learned to Reinvent the Proof
Why verify every line of a proof, when just a few checks will do?
How to Write Software With Mathematical Perfection
Leslie Lamport revolutionized how computers talk to each other. Now he’s working on how engineers talk to their machines.
Computer Scientists Prove That Certain Problems Are Truly Hard
Finding out whether a question is too difficult to ever solve efficiently depends on figuring out just how hard it is. Researchers have now shown how to do that for a major class of problems.
Which Computational Universe Do We Live In?
Cryptographers want to know which of five possible worlds we inhabit, which will reveal whether truly secure cryptography is even possible.
Researchers Gain New Understanding From Simple AI
Language processing programs are notoriously hard to interpret, but smaller versions can provide important insights into how they work.
Deep Learning Poised to ‘Blow Up’ Famed Fluid Equations
For centuries, mathematicians have tried to prove that Euler’s fluid equations can produce nonsensical answers. A new approach to machine learning has researchers betting that “blowup” is near.
Researchers Identify ‘Master Problem’ Underlying All Cryptography
The existence of secure cryptography depends on one of the oldest questions in computational complexity.
Machine Learning Reimagines the Building Blocks of Computing
Traditional algorithms power complicated computational tools like machine learning. A new approach, called algorithms with predictions, uses the power of machine learning to improve algorithms.