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Fluid dynamics

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How America’s Fastest Swimmers Use Math to Win Gold

July 10, 2024

Number theorist Ken Ono is teaching Olympians to swim more efficiently.

Biophysicists Uncover Powerful Symmetries in Living Tissue

October 25, 2023

After identifying interlocking symmetries in mammalian cells, scientists can describe some tissues as liquid crystals — an observation that lays the groundwork for a fluid-dynamic theory of how tissues move.

What Can Jellyfish Teach Us About Fluid Dynamics?

June 28, 2023

Jellyfish and other aquatic creatures embody solutions to diverse problems in engineering, medicine and mathematics. John Dabiri, a fluid dynamics expert, talks with Steven Strogatz about what jellyfish can teach us about going with the flow.

What Causes Giant Rogue Waves?

June 14, 2023

Wave-science researcher Ton van den Bremer and Steven Strogatz discuss how rogue waves can form in relatively calm seas and whether their threat can be predicted.

The Year in Math

December 22, 2022

Four Fields Medals were awarded for major breakthroughs in geometry, combinatorics, statistical physics and number theory, even as mathematicians continued to wrestle with how computers are changing the discipline.

Computer Proof ‘Blows Up’ Centuries-Old Fluid Equations

November 16, 2022

For more than 250 years, mathematicians have wondered if the Euler equations might sometimes fail to describe a fluid’s flow. A new computer-assisted proof marks a major breakthrough in that quest.

Mathematicians Coax Fluid Equations Into Nonphysical Solutions

May 2, 2022

The famed Navier-Stokes equations can lead to cases where more than one result is possible, but only in an extremely narrow set of situations.

Deep Learning Poised to ‘Blow Up’ Famed Fluid Equations

April 12, 2022

For centuries, mathematicians have tried to prove that Euler’s fluid equations can produce nonsensical answers. A new approach to machine learning has researchers betting that “blowup” is near.

An Injection of Chaos Solves Decades-Old Fluid Mystery

January 4, 2022

In the 1960s, drillers noticed that certain fluids would firm up if they flowed too fast. Researchers have finally explained why.

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