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General relativity

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From Einstein’s Theory to Gravity’s Chirp

February 18, 2016

The path from a revolutionary set of equations to the detection of gravitational waves was strewn with obstacles and controversy, explains the physicist Daniel Kennefick — and the struggle continues.

Gravitational Waves Discovered at Long Last

February 11, 2016

Ripples in space-time have been detected a century after Einstein predicted them, launching a new era in astronomy.

The Physical Origin of Universal Computing

October 27, 2015

The physical nature of computers might reveal deep truths about their uniquely powerful abstract abilities.

Theories of Everything, Mapped

August 3, 2015

Explore the deepest mysteries at the frontier of fundamental physics, and the most promising ideas put forth to solve them.

The Fuzzball Fix for a Black Hole Paradox

June 23, 2015

By replacing black holes with fuzzballs — dense, star-like objects from string theory — researchers think they can avoid some knotty paradoxes at the edge of physics.

Interactive: What Is Space?

April 30, 2015

Imagine the fabric of space-time peeled back layer by layer.

How Quantum Pairs Stitch Space-Time

April 28, 2015

New tools may reveal how quantum information builds the structure of space.

Wormholes Untangle a Black Hole Paradox

April 24, 2015

A bold new idea aims to link two famously discordant descriptions of nature. In doing so, it may also reveal how space-time owes its existence to the spooky connections of quantum information.

Physicists Eye Quantum-Gravity Interface

October 31, 2013

Physicists have devised experiments that can probe the interface between quantum mechanics and general relativity.

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