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Animal Copies Reveal Roots of Individuality

May 12, 2015

Genetically identical animals raised under similar conditions can make very different choices. These distinctions are helping researchers map the biological basis of individuality.

A Surprise for Evolution in Giant Tree of Life

May 5, 2015

The largest evolutionary tree ever compiled leads researchers to conclude that chance mutation — not natural selection — drives the development of new species.

Killer Virus Is Invading Koala DNA

March 4, 2015

An infection sweeping through Australia’s struggling koala population provides an unprecedented opportunity to explore how retroviruses insert themselves into the genome.

Genetic Geometry Takes Shape

February 25, 2015

Inside the cell’s nucleus, the double helix folds up in myriad loops and twists. The quest to unravel this structure is revealing the subtle genetic orchestration of all life on Earth.

Breakthrough DNA Editor Born of Bacteria

February 6, 2015

Interest in a powerful DNA editing tool called CRISPR has revealed that bacteria are far more sophisticated than anyone imagined.

Machine Intelligence Cracks Genetic Controls

December 18, 2014

Scientists have begun to decipher the most difficult-to-read parts of the genome — the parts that don’t code for proteins. The new work reveals how errors in these genetic instructions can lead to disease.

Evolution’s Random Paths Lead to One Place

September 11, 2014

A massive statistical study suggests that even though genetic changes happen at random, the final evolutionary outcome — fitness — is predictable.

I Contain Multitudes

August 21, 2014

Our bodies are a genetic patchwork, possessing variation from cell to cell. Is that a good thing?

As Animals Mingle, a Baffling Genetic Barrier

August 5, 2014

Despite swapping DNA through interbreeding, butterflies and other animals can maintain distinct species.

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