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The Simple Geometry That Predicts Molecular Mosaics

June 21, 2023

By treating molecules as geometric tessellations, scientists devised a new way to forecast how 2D materials might self-assemble.

Math Patterns That Go On Forever but Never Repeat

May 23, 2023

Simple math can help explain the complexities of the newly discovered aperiodic monotile.

Why the Brain’s Connections to the Body Are Crisscrossed

April 19, 2023

In all bilaterally symmetrical animals, from humans down to simple worms, nerves cross from one side of the body to the opposite side of the brain. Geometry may explain why.

A New Kind of Symmetry Shakes Up Physics

April 18, 2023

So-called “higher symmetries” are illuminating everything from particle decays to the behavior of complex quantum systems.

Hobbyist Finds Math’s Elusive ‘Einstein’ Tile

April 4, 2023

The surprisingly simple tile is the first single, connected tile that can fill the entire plane in a pattern that never repeats — and can’t be made to fill it in a repeating way.


Emmy Murphy Is a Mathematician Who Finds Beauty in Flexibility

March 27, 2023

The prize-winning geometer feels most fulfilled when exploring the fertile ground where constraint meets creation.

Is There Math Beyond the Equal Sign?

March 22, 2023

Can mathematics handle things that are essentially the same without being exactly equal? Category theorist Eugenia Cheng and host Steven Strogatz discuss the power and pleasures of abstraction.


An Applied Mathematician With an Unexpected Toolbox

March 1, 2023

Lek-Heng Lim uses tools from algebra, geometry and topology to answer questions in machine learning.

Mathematicians Complete Quest to Build ‘Spherical Cubes’

February 10, 2023

Is it possible to fill space “cubically” with shapes that act like spheres? A proof at the intersection of geometry and theoretical computer science says yes.

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