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A Revealer of Secrets in the Data of Life and the Universe

April 11, 2018

The statistician Donald Richards lives to uncover subtle patterns hiding in real-world data.

Mathematicians Explore Mirror Link Between Two Geometric Worlds

April 9, 2018

Decades after physicists happened upon a stunning mathematical coincidence, researchers are getting close to understanding the link between two seemingly unrelated geometric universes.

Why Winning in Rock-Paper-Scissors (and in Life) Isn’t Everything

April 2, 2018

What does John Nash’s game theory equilibrium concept look like in Rock-Paper-Scissors?

The Infinite Primes and Museum Guard Proofs, Explained

March 26, 2018

A simple, step-by-step breakdown of two “perfect” math proofs.

Robert Langlands, Mathematical Visionary, Wins the Abel Prize

March 20, 2018

Generations of researchers have pursued his “Langlands program,” which seeks to create a grand unified theory of mathematics.


In Search of God’s Perfect Proofs

March 19, 2018

The mathematicians Günter Ziegler and Martin Aigner have spent the past 20 years collecting some of the most beautiful proofs in mathematics.

How Einstein Lost His Bearings, and With Them, General Relativity

March 14, 2018

By 1913, Albert Einstein had nearly completed general relativity. But a simple mistake set him on a tortured, two-year reconsideration of his theory. Today, mathematicians still grapple with the issues he confronted.

To Test Einstein’s Equations, Poke a Black Hole

March 8, 2018

Two teams of researchers have made significant progress toward proving the black hole stability conjecture, a critical mathematical test of Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Solution: ‘When Probability Meets Real Life’

March 2, 2018

When our brains don't have a good intuition for reasoning with numbers, explicit probabilistic thinking can lead to improved decision-making.

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