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Scientists Map 5,000 New Ocean Viruses

May 21, 2015

In the few decades since viruses were first found in the oceans, scientists have only been able to identify a handful of species. A new survey has uncovered nearly all the rest.

Breakthrough DNA Editor Born of Bacteria

February 6, 2015

Interest in a powerful DNA editing tool called CRISPR has revealed that bacteria are far more sophisticated than anyone imagined.

Evolution’s Random Paths Lead to One Place

September 11, 2014

A massive statistical study suggests that even though genetic changes happen at random, the final evolutionary outcome — fitness — is predictable.

Where Animals Come From

July 29, 2014

Bacteria may have helped single-celled organisms make the leap to multicellular animals.

The New Science of Evolutionary Forecasting

July 17, 2014

Newly discovered patterns in evolution may help scientists make accurate short-term predictions.

Evolving With a Little Help From Our Friends

June 4, 2014

A new theory suggests that cooperation between a host and its microbes may be a significant evolutionary force.

Inside the Din, Cells Fight Noise With Noise

May 22, 2014

Is the random noise inside a cell a nuisance, or have cells evolved ways to put it to work?

Our Bodies, Our Data

October 7, 2013

New technologies have launched the life sciences into the age of big data. Biologists must now make sense of their windfall.

On the Microbial Frontier, Cooperation Thrives

August 2, 2013

Population expansion may be a major driver in the evolution of cooperation, with implications for new antibiotics, cancer treatments and perhaps even human behavior.

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