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Number theory

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Probability and Number Theory Collide — in a Moment

January 12, 2023

Mathematicians are taking ideas developed to study random numbers and applying them to a broad range of categories.

The Year in Math

December 22, 2022

Four Fields Medals were awarded for major breakthroughs in geometry, combinatorics, statistical physics and number theory, even as mathematicians continued to wrestle with how computers are changing the discipline.

Mathematical Trio Advances Centuries-Old Number Theory Problem

November 29, 2022

The work — the first-ever limit on how many whole numbers can be written as the sum of two cubed fractions — makes significant headway on “a recurring embarrassment for number theorists.”

Teenager Solves Stubborn Riddle About Prime Number Look-Alikes

October 13, 2022

In his senior year of high school, Daniel Larsen proved a key theorem about Carmichael numbers — strange entities that mimic the primes.

A Numerical Mystery From the 19th Century Finally Gets Solved

August 15, 2022

Two mathematicians have proven Patterson’s conjecture, which was designed to explain a strange pattern in sums involving prime numbers.

Mathematicians Crack a Simple but Stubborn Class of Equations

August 10, 2022

Ever since Archimedes, mathematicians have been fascinated by equations that involve a difference between squares. Now two mathematicians have proven how often these equations have solutions, concluding a decades-old quest.

A Question About a Rotating Line Helps Reveal What Makes Real Numbers Special

July 26, 2022

The Kakeya conjecture predicts how much room you need to point a line in every direction. In one number system after another — with one important exception — mathematicians have been proving it true.

How Can Infinitely Many Primes Be Infinitely Far Apart?

July 21, 2022

Mathematicians have been studying the distribution of prime numbers for thousands of years. Recent results about a curious kind of prime offer a new take on how spread out they can be.

How Do Mathematicians Know Their Proofs Are Correct?

July 13, 2022

What makes a proof stronger than a guess? What does evidence look like in the realm of mathematical abstraction? Hear the mathematician Melanie Matchett Wood explain how probability helps to guide number theorists toward certainty.

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