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Particle physics
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Grand Unification Dream Kept at Bay
Physicists have failed to find disintegrating protons, throwing into limbo the beloved theory that the forces of nature were unified at the beginning of time.
On a Hunt for a Ghost of a Particle
Janet Conrad has a plan to catch the sterile neutrino — an elusive particle, possibly glimpsed by a number of experiments, that would upend what we know about the subatomic world.
Strange Numbers Found in Particle Collisions
An unexpected connection has emerged between the results of physics experiments and an important, seemingly unrelated set of numbers in pure mathematics.
A Wormhole Between Physics and Education
The theoretical particle physicist Helen Quinn has blazed a singular path from the early days of the Standard Model to the latest overhaul of science education in the United States.
Supersymmetry Bet Settled With Cognac
The absence of supersymmetry particles at the Large Hadron Collider has settled a 16-year-old bet among physicists.
What No New Particles Means for Physics
Physicists are confronting their “nightmare scenario.” What does the absence of new particles suggest about how nature works?
Neutrinos Hint of Matter-Antimatter Rift
A hint that neutrinos behave differently than antineutrinos suggests an answer to one the biggest questions in physics.
Mining Black Hole Collisions for New Physics
The physicist Asimina Arvanitaki is thinking up ways to search gravitational wave data for evidence of dark matter particles orbiting black holes.
Rumors Cast Doubt on Diphoton Bump
Rampant rumors and a new analysis undercut hopes of a major discovery at the Large Hadron Collider.