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How Quantum Physicists ‘Flipped Time’ (and How They Didn’t)

January 27, 2023

Two teams have made photons act as if time were simultaneously flowing in two directions. The experiments demonstrate a way to potentially boost the performance of quantum devices.

Mathematicians Find an Infinity of Possible Black Hole Shapes

January 24, 2023

In three-dimensional space, the surface of a black hole must be a sphere. But a new result shows that in higher dimensions, an infinite number of configurations are possible.

Standard Model of Cosmology Survives a Telescope’s Surprising Finds

January 20, 2023

Reports that the James Webb Space Telescope killed the reigning cosmological model turn out to have been exaggerated. But astronomers still have much to learn from distant galaxies glimpsed by Webb.


Starfish Whisperer Develops a Physical Language of Life

January 11, 2023

Nikta Fakhri is adapting and extending concepts from physics to describe how tiny biological components give rise to living organisms.

The Physics Principle That Inspired Modern AI Art

January 5, 2023

Diffusion models generate incredible images by learning to reverse the process that, among other things, causes ink to spread through water.

Inside Ancient Asteroids, Gamma Rays Made Building Blocks of Life

January 4, 2023

A new radiation-based mechanism adds to the ways that amino acids could have been made in space and brought to the young Earth.

The Year in Physics

December 22, 2022

In a year filled with sweet new observations in astronomy and tantalizing breakthroughs in condensed matter physics, the brand-new space telescope takes the cake.

The Year in Computer Science

December 21, 2022

Computer scientists this year learned how to transmit perfect secrets, why transformers seem so good at everything, and how to improve on decades-old algorithms (with a little help from AI).

‘Fullertubes’ Join the Family of Carbon Crystals

December 20, 2022

The buckminsterfullerene revolution never came, but some researchers are eagerly exploring the properties of newfound carbon crystals known as fullertubes.

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