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New Quantum Paradox Clarifies Where Our Views of Reality Go Wrong

December 3, 2018

The Frauchiger-Renner thought experiment has shaken up the world of quantum foundations.

A Universal Law for the ‘Blood of the Earth’

November 28, 2018

Simple physical principles can be used to describe how rivers grow everywhere from Florida to Mars.


A Collector of Math and Physics Surprises

November 27, 2018

Tadashi Tokieda discovers new physical phenomena by looking at the everyday world with the eyes of a child.

Quanta Writers and Editors Discuss Trends in Science and Math

November 21, 2018

On November 16, 2018, more than 200 readers joined writers and editors from Quanta Magazine for a wide-ranging panel discussion that examined the newest ideas in fundamental physics, biology and mathematics research.

Galactic Beacons Get Snuffed Out in a Cosmic Eyeblink

November 21, 2018

Quasars powered by supermassive black holes have been unexpectedly vanishing. Scientists have started to figure out why.

Universal Quantum Phenomenon Found in Strange Metals

November 19, 2018

Experiments suggest that exotic superconducting materials share a “strange metal” state characterized by a quantum speed limit that somehow acts as a fundamental organizing principle.

How Holography Could Help Solve Quantum Gravity

November 14, 2018

In the latest campaign to reconcile Einstein’s theory of gravity with quantum mechanics, many physicists are studying how a higher dimensional space that includes gravity arises like a hologram from a lower dimensional particle theory.


An Italian Cosmologist Who Wanders in Dante’s Dark Wood

November 13, 2018

A scientist and programmer with a literary bent, Valeria Pettorino thinks multiple angles and diverse points of view are needed to unriddle the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

Ewine van Dishoeck, the Netherlander Who Traced Water’s Origin

November 1, 2018

The astrochemist and winner of the 2018 Kavli Prize in Astrophysics has wondered about the cosmic origin of water while enjoying Noordwijk beach near her hometown of Leiden.

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