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Star-Swallowing Black Holes Reveal Secrets in Exotic Light Shows

August 8, 2018

Black holes occasionally reveal themselves when passing stars get ripped apart by their gravity. These tidal disruption events have created a new way for astronomers to map the hidden cosmos.

Closed Loophole Confirms the Unreality of the Quantum World

July 25, 2018

A quickly closed loophole has proved that the “great smoky dragon” of quantum mechanics may forever elude capture.

How Artificial Intelligence Can Supercharge the Search for New Particles

July 23, 2018

In the hunt for new fundamental particles, physicists have always had to make assumptions about how the particles will behave. New machine learning algorithms don’t.

The Peculiar Math That Could Underlie the Laws of Nature

July 20, 2018

New findings are fueling an old suspicion that fundamental particles and forces spring from strange eight-part numbers called “octonions.”


Three Major Physics Discoveries and Counting

July 18, 2018

Sau Lan Wu spent decades working to establish the Standard Model of particle physics. Now she’s searching for what lies beyond it.

Neutrinos Linked With Cosmic Source for the First Time

July 12, 2018

High-energy neutrinos have been traced back to a flaring supermassive black hole known as a blazar. The long-sought link opens the door to an entirely new way to study the universe.

The Hunt for Earth’s Deep Hidden Oceans

July 11, 2018

Water-bearing minerals reveal that Earth’s mantle could hold more water than all its oceans. Researchers now ask: Where did it all come from?

What Is the Sun Made Of and When Will It Die?

July 5, 2018

If and when physicists are able to pin down the metal content of the sun, that number could upend much of what we thought we knew about the evolution and life span of stars.

Why Can’t We Find Planet Nine?

July 3, 2018

Astronomers suspect that there’s a large planet hiding out in the distant fringes of the solar system. At a recent workshop, they brainstormed ways to coax it into view.

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