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Why the Tiny Weight of Empty Space Is Such a Huge Mystery
The amount of energy infusing empty space seems too small to explain without a multiverse. But physicists have at least one alternative left to explore.
Physicists Find a Way to See the ‘Grin’ of Quantum Gravity
A recently proposed experiment would confirm that gravity is a quantum force.
Elusive Higgs-Like State Created in Exotic Materials
Two teams of physicists have created the "Higgs mode" – a link between particle physics and the physics of matter. The work could help researchers understand the strange behavior of deeply quantum systems.
Physicists Mourn Joe Polchinski, Developer of Deep Ideas and Paradoxes
The theoretical physicist Joe Polchinski, who died February 2, left a tremendous professional and personal legacy, says a friend and collaborator.
Scant Evidence of Power Laws Found in Real-World Networks
A new study challenges one of the most celebrated and controversial ideas in network science.
Neutron Lifetime Puzzle Deepens, but No Dark Matter Seen
Two methods of measuring the neutron's longevity give different answers, creating uncertainty in cosmological models. But no one has a clue what the problem is.
Quantum Algorithms Struggle Against Old Foe: Clever Computers
The quest for "quantum supremacy" – unambiguous proof that a quantum computer does something faster than an ordinary computer – has paradoxically led to a boom in quasi-quantum classical algorithms.
How the Universe Got Its Bounce Back
Cosmologists have shown that it’s theoretically possible for a contracting universe to bounce and expand. The new work resuscitates an old idea that directly challenges the Big Bang theory of cosmic origins.
Solution: ‘Triangulation and Motion Sickness’
A method for estimating distances in sailing and astrophysics helps explain why riding on buses and boats can make us nauseous.