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Complexity Theory’s 50-Year Journey to the Limits of Knowledge

August 17, 2023

How hard is it to prove that problems are hard to solve? Meta-complexity theorists have been asking questions like this for decades. A string of recent results has started to deliver answers.

How Math Achieved Transcendence

June 27, 2023

Transcendental numbers include famous examples like e and π, but it took mathematicians centuries to understand them.

The Colorful Problem That Has Long Frustrated Mathematicians

March 29, 2023

The four-color problem is simple to explain, but its complex proof continues to be both celebrated and despised.

How Do You Prove a Secret?

October 11, 2022

Zero-knowledge proofs allow researchers to prove their knowledge without divulging the knowledge itself.

Computer Science Proof Unveils Unexpected Form of Entanglement

July 18, 2022

Three computer scientists have posted a proof of the NLTS conjecture, showing that systems of entangled particles can remain difficult to analyze even away from extremes.

How Do Mathematicians Know Their Proofs Are Correct?

July 13, 2022

What makes a proof stronger than a guess? What does evidence look like in the realm of mathematical abstraction? Hear the mathematician Melanie Matchett Wood explain how probability helps to guide number theorists toward certainty.

Can Computers Be Mathematicians?

June 29, 2022

Artificial intelligence has bested humans at problem-solving challenges like chess and Go. Is mathematics research next? Steven Strogatz speaks with mathematician Kevin Buzzard to learn about the effort to translate math into language that computers understand.


The Computer Scientist Who Parlays Failures Into Breakthroughs

June 13, 2022

Daniel Spielman solves important problems by thinking hard — about other questions.

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