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Quantum gravity

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Pondering the Bits That Build Space-Time and Brains

April 20, 2022

Vijay Balasubramanian investigates whether the fabric of the universe might be built from information, and what it means that physicists can even ask such a question.

A New Tool for Finding Dark Matter Digs Up Nothing

March 21, 2022

Physicists are devising clever new ways to exploit the extreme sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors like LIGO. But so far, they’ve seen no signs of exotica.

A Deepening Crisis Forces Physicists to Rethink Structure of Nature’s Laws

March 1, 2022

Physicists are reexamining a longstanding assumption: that big stuff consists of smaller stuff.

In a Numerical Coincidence, Some See Evidence for String Theory

January 21, 2022

In a quest to map out a quantum theory of gravity, researchers have used logical rules to calculate how much Einstein’s theory must change. The result matches string theory perfectly.

Symmetries Reveal Clues About the Holographic Universe

January 12, 2022

Physicists have been busy exploring how our universe might emerge like a hologram out of a two-dimensional sheet. New clues have come from the symmetries found on an infinitely distant “celestial sphere.”

An Ultra-Precise Clock Links the Quantum World With Gravity

October 25, 2021

Time was found to flow differently between the top and bottom of a single cloud of atoms. Physicists hope that such a system will one day help them combine quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of gravity.

One Lab’s Quest to Build Space-Time Out of Quantum Particles

September 7, 2021

For over two decades, physicists have pondered how the fabric of space-time may emerge from some kind of quantum entanglement. In Monika Schleier-Smith’s lab at Stanford University, the thought experiment is becoming real.


This Physicist Discovered an Escape From Hawking’s Black Hole Paradox

August 23, 2021

The five-decade-old paradox — long thought key to linking quantum theory with Einstein’s theory of gravity — is falling to a new generation of thinkers. Netta Engelhardt is leading the way.

How Big Can the Quantum World Be? Physicists Probe the Limits.

August 18, 2021

By showing that even large objects can exhibit bizarre quantum behaviors, physicists hope to illuminate the mystery of quantum collapse, identify the quantum nature of gravity, and perhaps even make Schrödinger’s cat a reality.

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