2024 Biggest Breakthroughs in Computer Science
The year’s biggest computer science stories included a new understanding of large language models, and a breakthrough in being able to compute complex quantum systems.
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Martin Rees, the University of Cambridge astrophysicist, Astronomer Royal and popular author, discusses how our society can benefit from future science and technology while avoiding potential pitfalls.
Quanta Writers and Editors on Time, Life, Math and the Universe
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Why Different Parts of a Coffee Mug Produce Different Pitches
The Stanford mathematician Tadashi Tokieda demonstrates one of his physics “toys”: the curious higher and lower notes you hear when tapping a coffee mug with a spoon.
Albert Einstein, Holograms and Quantum Gravity
How does gravity work in the quantum regime? A holographic duality from string theory offers a powerful tool for unraveling the mystery.
Valeria Pettorino on Learning About Dark Energy With the Euclid Satellite
Valeria Pettorino discusses the prospects of learning about dark energy with the Euclid satellite.
Mario Jurić on How Astronomy Is Changing
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Renee Reijo Pera on the Importance of Timing in Embryo Development
Stem cell researcher Renee Reijo Pera of Montana State University explains how the timing of developmental events in the early embryo can subtly affect health many years later.
Tomas Bohr on Performing the Double-Slit Experiment with Bouncing Droplets
Tomas Bohr explains the significance of the double-slit experiment in exposing the weirdness of the quantum world.
Rosaly Lopes on Volcanoes Throughout the Solar System
Rosaly Lopes explains why it’s worth exploring the huge variety of volcanoes on other worlds.