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2024 Biggest Breakthroughs in Computer Science

The year’s biggest computer science stories included a new understanding of large language models, and a breakthrough in being able to compute complex quantum systems.

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Predicting Eclipses: The Three Body Problem

April 5, 2024

Solar eclipse prediction has driven innovation across the history of science and mathematics, from the Saros cycle to Greek geometry to Newton’s calculus to the three-body problem.

Understanding Cryptography With These Five Worlds

March 27, 2024

Russell Impagliazzo describes the five possible cryptographic worlds we might inhabit.

Why Is This Basic Computer Science Problem So Hard?

March 8, 2024

Computer scientists have long used vector addition systems to model how certain programs work, but they didn’t have a full understanding of how complicated they could be. Recent work has finally pinned it down, showing that these problems are far more complicated than they seem.

How a New X-Ray Technique Sees Black Holes

February 12, 2024

Astrophysicist Erin Kara explores black holes by carefully tracking the gas and plasma swirling near their event horizons.

Decoding Math’s Most Famous Fractal

January 27, 2024

Mathematicians working in the field of complex dynamical systems are patiently unraveling the Mandelbrot set’s mysteries and may be on the verge of solving a fundamental conjecture that would allow them to describe the set completely.

The Math Hiding in Plain Sight

January 12, 2024

Sarah Hart, the professor of geometry at Gresham College, sees symmetry everywhere.

2023’s Biggest Breakthroughs in Math

December 22, 2023

In 2023, mathematicians improved bounds on Ramsey numbers, a central measure of order in graphs; found a new aperiodic monotile; and discovered a new upper bound to the size of sets without 3-term arithmetic progressions.

2023’s Biggest Breakthroughs in Physics

December 21, 2023

In 2023, physicists found the gravitational wave background that’s made by supermassive black hole collisions, teleported quantum energy in the lab, and puzzled over JWST’s potentially cosmology-breaking discoveries.

2023’s Biggest Breakthroughs in Computer Science

December 20, 2023

In 2023, computer scientists made progress on a new vector-driven approach to AI, fundamentally improved Shor’s algorithm for factoring large numbers, and examined the surprising and powerful behaviors that can emerge from large language models.