2024 Biggest Breakthroughs in Computer Science
The year’s biggest computer science stories included a new understanding of large language models, and a breakthrough in being able to compute complex quantum systems.
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Pencils Down: Mike Zitolo of School of the Future
Michael Zitolo is turning the way science is approached in the classroom upside down.
Pencils Down: Soni Midha of East Side Community High School
In school or in life, Soni Midha wants her math students to be able to prove why something is correct.
Pencils Down: Channa Comer of Baychester Middle School
Channa Comer teaches 6th-grade science. She focuses on engagement so kids will want to keep learning.
Pencils Down: Aaron Mathieu of Acton-Boxborough Regional High School
Students need a chance to fail at science to learn about its process, says Aaron Mathieu.
Pencils Down: Channa Comer Teaching About Scientific Controls
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Pencils Down: The Art of Teaching Math and Science
What can we learn from the best teachers on the front lines? To shine a spotlight on this linchpin of our education system, Quanta Magazine followed four master science and math teachers into their classrooms.
Peter and Rosemary Grant: Watching Evolution Happen in Two Lifetimes
Peter and Rosemary Grant explain how our understanding of evolution has changed in their lifetimes.
Tracy Slatyer: A Seeker of Dark Matter’s Hidden Light
Tracy Slatyer explains why she’s not disappointed when a mysterious cosmic signal turns out to be something other than dark matter.
Miranda Cheng: A Moonshine Master Toys With String Theory
Miranda Cheng explains what umbral moonshine is and how it might illuminate string theory.