2024 Biggest Breakthroughs in Computer Science
The year’s biggest computer science stories included a new understanding of large language models, and a breakthrough in being able to compute complex quantum systems.
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P vs. NP – The Greatest Unsolved Problem in Computer Science
Is it possible to invent a computer that computes anything in a flash? Or could some problems stump even the most powerful of computers? Computational complexity theorists study these questions and others in the hopes of determining the limits of a computer’s powers.
How AI Learns to ‘See’
Alexei Efros describes how he combines massive online data sets with machine learning algorithms to understand, model and re-create the visual world.
Unlocking the Secrets of Our Circadian Rhythms
The trailblazing work of the biochemist Carrie Partch has revealed crucial details about how clock proteins in our cells produce our daily circadian rhythm.
How to Build a Telescope to See the Early Universe
Cynthia Chiang describes the experiments she hopes will illuminate the early universe.
When Computers Write Proofs, What’s the Point of Mathematicians?
Andrew Granville muses on how artificial intelligence could profoundly change math.
Math’s Famous Map Problem: The Four-Color Theorem
David Richeson discusses the history and significance of the four color theorem.
The Cryptographer Working to Protect Computations
Kalai discusses the meaning of cryptography and how essential it is to our daily lives.
A Bet Against Quantum Gravity
Oppenheim describes why he thinks gravity can’t be squeezed into the same quantum box as the other fundamental forces — and what he’s proposing as an alternative.
Can a New Law of Physics Explain a Black Hole Paradox?
Leonard Susskind and collaborators set out to understand why black hole interiors grow forever. They ended up proposing a new law of physics.