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Akshay Venkatesh: A Number Theorist Who Bridges Math and Time

Akshay Venkatesh on his mathematical working style, which took him many years to discover.

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Alessio Figalli: A Traveler Who Finds Stability in the Natural World

August 1, 2018

Figalli explains how physical intuition can play a key role — but not the only role — in mathematical thinking.

Cohl Furey on the Octonions and Particle Physics

July 19, 2018

Cohl Furey explains what octonions are and what they might have to do with particle physics.

Jessica Whited on Limb Regeneration and the Axolotl Genome

July 2, 2018

Jessica Whited is a biologist who studies limb regeneration at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Here, she explains how genomic information for the salamander called an axolotl will help us understand the potential for regrowing limbs in humans and other animals.

Carina Curto on How Physicists Can Think About Neuroscience

June 19, 2018

Carina Curto, a mathematician at Pennsylvania State University, explains how her background in theoretical physics helps her tackle daunting problems in theoretical neuroscience.

Lisa Manning on the Dynamics of Glasses and Embryos

June 11, 2018

Lisa Manning, a physicist at Syracuse University, describes how the physics of glassy materials helps to explain how some organs assume their correct shape during embryonic development.

Michela Massimi: Defending the Philosophy of Science

May 24, 2018

Michela Massimi argues that the philosophy of science doesn’t have to be useful to scientists for it to be useful to humanity.

Günter Ziegler Seeks God’s Perfect Math Proofs

March 19, 2018

Günter Ziegler describes one of the most famous and beautiful proofs in Proofs From THE BOOK, a book he co-authored with Martin Aigner.