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Akshay Venkatesh: A Number Theorist Who Bridges Math and Time
Akshay Venkatesh on his mathematical working style, which took him many years to discover.
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Jessica Flack: How Nature Solves Problems Through Computation
Jessica Flack describes the special challenges of applying collective computation to the understanding of complex biological systems.
Purvesh Khatri: More Data — the Dirtier the Better
Purvesh Khatri learned that by working with ‘messy’ clinical data sets, he could find genes that the human body expresses in response to diverse forms of a disease.
Journey to the Birth of the Solar System
Join David Kaplan on a virtual-reality tour showing how the sun, the Earth and the other planets came to be.
Tim Maudlin: A Defense of the Reality of Time
Tim Maudlin explains how math has led physicists to believe some very strange things about the nature of time.
John Novembre: A Map of Human History, Hidden in DNA
John Novembre explains how he uses genomic data to map human history.
Sharon Glotzer: ‘Digital Alchemist’ Seeks Rules of Emergence
Sharon Glotzer explains how emergence, entropy and order can all fit together.
Sylvia Serfaty: In Mathematics, ‘You Cannot Be Lied To’
Sylvia Serfaty explains why you don’t have to be a genius to become a mathematician.
Francis Su: Math and the Good Life
Francis Su explains how mathematics can help a person to live well.
Francis Su: Math Is for Everybody
Francis Su discusses how the community of mathematicians tends to exclude certain people.